
Welcome! to Lotsofgoodys.com

Serving Brooklyn, Queens, Nassau, and Suffolk counties, New York

(516) 316-9225 

We are one of the select tag sale services that gives you full transparency from the start. There will never be surprises later in the process. We cheerfully offer a free appraisal and evaluate your personal situation. We pay upfront for all advertising costs and cover the labor costs of our staff. We provide an enclosed showcase for all small valuables. Our commission is 30% on the gross sales completed at the end of the sale. The commission fee includes research, appraisals, preparation, advertising, marketing, and tag sale security and staffing. One to three days of preliminary setup, including pricing, staging, and setting up the house, are included FREE of any additional charges.

Looking for our next sale


Sunday January 26th

9:00 AM to 4:00  PM


 59 Diamond Drive

 Plainview NY 11803 


       Please visit 



for lots of great photos and upcoming sales



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